thursday went sing k with ching ching
we didnt meet since cny
miss her alot
finally she holiday me also stop working =)
we sing k at neway times square
omg y i cant get rid of ts although i stop working at there?O.o
we sing 11- 2 with a very very very reasonable price!!!
u guess how much is it?
dang dang ~ rm5 ++
three of us sing k for 3 hours and just cost rm17++
somemore thats salad buffet for us
luckily we didnt choose another packages
if not sure kena trap..hmph
the buffet quite many things to eat ooo
porridge ( arghh my favourite food ever )
fried rice
fried lou xu fan
wahhh..all these just cost us rm5
of course i ate alot coz i'm really hungry since i wake up
ching and wingji keep complaining i eat non stop
and eat eat eat once stop singing =.=
me hungry ma..sobsob..
this promotion is for members
luckily i got member card from my sis~thx ya~
nex tuesday we're going sing k again
hope the promotion still on
haih i will just pay to eat
since i'm coughing and get flu =.=
so sadddd
we met ming ming and cian$ after sing k
after that we went bbq plaza
then ching decided to overnite at my house
coz she dont feel lazy to go back home
hehe after that sure my lao gong came to fetch us back luu
before and after fetching wingji home
lao gong let me try to drive his car
his citreon is damn heavy laaa=.=
he keep scolding me stupid
u thought ur car is kancil meh!!!!!!>.<
i just pass my driving test on tuesday weh!!!!
at last i get angry dy..
i stopped and get out from car
go back my own place and ask himself to drive
at nite
at first we planned to watch midnite movie
after checking showtimes ching ching said she dunwan to go coz she is tired
omg how old are u?xD
then we planned to go sri rampai night market looo
when we reach sri rampai
theres no parking
then suddenly we decided to go for movie
omg ==
then we drive to pavilion lo
haih we found that only left first row for Xmen wolverine
and the other movies are too late
we decided to go back
we just reached pavilion for 10 mins but lao gong pay rm 6 for parking
then we back to cola club to yamcha luu
the go back home my lao gong cook maggie for me hehe
that teh yee ching keep talking phone with...=.=
very annoying la u teh yee ching!!!xD
finally is the time for sleep
chat with ching
chat about you too
get hurt once again
finally now i decided to forget all the past
forget all about it
wont ever think of you anymore
we fall asleep around 3 something
ard 6..lao gong wake me up and bring me medicine
coz i scare i will sorethroat in the next morning
so he feed me medicine and bring me water at midnite
thx ya dear T___________T love uuuuuuuuuuu mucheeeee
happy to meet ching and can chat with her
i really need someone to talk bout tat with =)
love u oo
when u want overnite with me again wor sui po
bu dont complain my sleeping gesture anymore =.=
i have rugi lor T.T
wah a long long dayy
3 of us

neway toilet

neway room

we take police car to dating ~

we didnt meet since cny
miss her alot
finally she holiday me also stop working =)
we sing k at neway times square
omg y i cant get rid of ts although i stop working at there?O.o
we sing 11- 2 with a very very very reasonable price!!!
u guess how much is it?
dang dang ~ rm5 ++
three of us sing k for 3 hours and just cost rm17++
somemore thats salad buffet for us
luckily we didnt choose another packages
if not sure kena trap..hmph
the buffet quite many things to eat ooo
porridge ( arghh my favourite food ever )
fried rice
fried lou xu fan
wahhh..all these just cost us rm5
of course i ate alot coz i'm really hungry since i wake up
ching and wingji keep complaining i eat non stop
and eat eat eat once stop singing =.=
me hungry ma..sobsob..
this promotion is for members
luckily i got member card from my sis~thx ya~
nex tuesday we're going sing k again
hope the promotion still on
haih i will just pay to eat
since i'm coughing and get flu =.=
so sadddd
we met ming ming and cian$ after sing k
after that we went bbq plaza
then ching decided to overnite at my house
coz she dont feel lazy to go back home
hehe after that sure my lao gong came to fetch us back luu
before and after fetching wingji home
lao gong let me try to drive his car
his citreon is damn heavy laaa=.=
he keep scolding me stupid
u thought ur car is kancil meh!!!!!!>.<
i just pass my driving test on tuesday weh!!!!
at last i get angry dy..
i stopped and get out from car
go back my own place and ask himself to drive
at nite
at first we planned to watch midnite movie
after checking showtimes ching ching said she dunwan to go coz she is tired
omg how old are u?xD
then we planned to go sri rampai night market looo
when we reach sri rampai
theres no parking
then suddenly we decided to go for movie
omg ==
then we drive to pavilion lo
haih we found that only left first row for Xmen wolverine
and the other movies are too late
we decided to go back
we just reached pavilion for 10 mins but lao gong pay rm 6 for parking
then we back to cola club to yamcha luu
the go back home my lao gong cook maggie for me hehe
that teh yee ching keep talking phone with...=.=
very annoying la u teh yee ching!!!xD
finally is the time for sleep
chat with ching
chat about you too
get hurt once again
finally now i decided to forget all the past
forget all about it
wont ever think of you anymore
we fall asleep around 3 something
ard 6..lao gong wake me up and bring me medicine
coz i scare i will sorethroat in the next morning
so he feed me medicine and bring me water at midnite
thx ya dear T___________T love uuuuuuuuuuu mucheeeee
happy to meet ching and can chat with her
i really need someone to talk bout tat with =)
love u oo
when u want overnite with me again wor sui po
bu dont complain my sleeping gesture anymore =.=
i have rugi lor T.T
wah a long long dayy
3 of us
neway toilet
neway room
we take police car to dating ~
i so shy la you post we sit same car go dating X)
love you la *shyshy*
feel so warm when see ur blog..
at least..i know..i still gt u mar..
i miss the time SLEEPING beside u also mar
chhe...i talk on phone..u also lar..wif darren....i also no eyes see!!
next time don let darren go in ur house =p..if not i so cham...haiz...
i do miss u ler after leaving ur house..kekex...
love u so much..
wingji : haha but we sit on police car xD
love u too o~muah muah
ching : haha see i so important to u xD
haiyo u ignore us we have to
do something gek u lor~hoho~
come again la..not far maaa..
i ask darren teach u road lor
since u also buta jalan =p
love u too neh~muackzzzzz
i miss both you people laaaaa
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