something unexpect happened on Ling Ling Tua
I have dropped my phone into the college toilet bowl yesterday
dont ask me the process of grabbing it back
dont hope to recall at all =.=
during my M.economics lecture,i spend my time to remove all the diamond i stick on it
and rub the sticky dust with all my strength,finally it return to it's clean face =D
but in the afternoon,it commit suicide
memory card and sim card are succeccfully rescued
but my W580i have R.I.P
nyways,there's no any contact number in my sim card
now I know the reason
I have changed a new sim card because I shift to postpaid
so anyone who know bout this
PLEASE send me a msg so that I can get your contact number
or else,bye bye =D
yesterday night dear brought me to search for new phone
but the mobile phone's shops near my house have no stock for all the model
what the....
this morning there's no mobile phone for me to use
my previous motorola got some problem I think
so my dear lend me his iPhone =D
not bad to use
but i dont like touch screen,hard to type msg
basicly I prefer normal phone =D
somemore itsstress for me to use it
I really afraid that it will drop into toilet bowl
haih I'm really nervous everytime i enter toilet
I got "toilet bowl phobia" I think
just now my dear ask me to open my door
then I saw a box of thing at the floor
thanks dear
i didnt expect you will bought me a new phone that fast
I thought I will get it on sunday xD
he bought me a sony ericsson G705
thanks for deciding for me since I have no any idea for mobile phone
but I really miss my previous phone
I hate to change new phone T.T
although the 2 buttons of it spoilt but I still love it
changing new phone have to start everything from the beginning
I wan my previous phone T.T
and I dont hope to waste my dear's $$
$$ is not easy to earn
but no choice =(
nyways really thanks my dear
you will ready whatever I need at the right time
I love you so much <3
I'll appreciate everything you did for me
my only lao gong forever
dang dang my new phone
thanks bao beii

*friends , dont forget to inform me your contact number if u willing to
I don't have the strength to memorize all the contact number kay =D*
aww~~ may your phone and kai's phone RIP sama sama with micheal jackson HAHHAHAA
so nice la got new phone also rosak jor wei!!!! HAHHAHAA
hey...i also use g705 last time...
kaka....we r on the same boat....
ur wan is silver?nice^^
that time only got gold and black only..
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