Stupid me
Ling Ling is exhausted...
Tua Ling Ling is extremely tired
I don't want test
I don't want assignment
but I fall in love with presentation =D
Sadness please get far away from me
I need care I need warmth
I need space I need more time
I need freedom I need to relax
Stress please get far far away from me
I need concern I need attention
I need you
BArbeque & steamboat party for July Babies
Last Saturday had a birthday celebration for July babies
Ming Ming(730) , Ji Ji darling(709) and Kelvin Liew(730)
Desmond came from Selayang to fetch Ji and I
the journey to meet Ming & Cian at Ampang had consumed us 3-4 hours!
"amazing" right? xD
Thanks Desmond very much
He is the one who drive all the time without complaint =)
He is such a patient person
same as last time he fetched us back from Sunway
and we should thanks Ming's daddy
he had prepared all the thing for us =D
Maybe our planning was quite sucks
but at least we have an enjoyable time together
hope all of you have enjoy it alot
I'm down that I ate little that day xD
coz feel quite unwell and tired ( I'm not emo la chong)
took few photos nie as I mentioned that I'm tired
oh ya luckily Kelvin Liew manage to reach around 10 something
if not we gotta rub his name from the cake
and our effort will wasted =)
Lastly,thanks Ming them for cleaning up the mess <3>
for more details please refer to Wingkee's blog http://wingkeelee.blogspot.com/2009/07/birthday-batch-for-july-babies-d.html
Picture time <3 style="text-align: center;">grace n lingzz ^^
disgusting ==
Happy birthday to my dears !! =)
chong & lingzz
still smiling before suffer xD
wasabi wasabi wasabi ==
Punishment for the ppl who late =D
actually Eric is standing on the chair..shhhh xD

see Eric's suffer face :X
Grace potential to become a host xD
Kelvin Liew =D
Happy birthday to Jiji darling,Ming and Kelvin
wish all your dreams come true =)
muackzz <3
昨天得知的事 开始扰乱我自以为已平静的心
殊不知 我只不过是在欺骗他人和自己
我没办法掩饰 我真的很在意
原来装作若无其事 比我想象中还困难
当真正面对 我还是无法忽视心的使唤
有了她 又如何?
和我有关系吗?没有 一点也没有
我不应该理会 也没有权力过问
无论睁着眼抑或闭者眼 它还是不断在脑海盘旋
也许有些事情 不知道会比知道后来得好
这也许是最后一次了 真的最后一次了吧
我要的不多 却永远没办法得到
这也是最后一次放纵自己的发泄 真的
它让我心疲力竭 它让我累得让我不想再提起我的脚步
时间可以愈合伤口 却无法磨灭那道深深的伤痕
有人说 受伤后在身体上留下的疤痕
我想 虽然肉眼无法看得见
它也许会愈合 却没办法痊愈
哪天哪怕多年后 它被轻轻触碰 轻轻挑起
感受到的也许已不是痛楚 而是深渊般悲痛回亿
但 回忆总是美好的吗?
因为没有悲痛的回忆 你不会感受到今天的幸福
现在的我 已经累了
我的脚步 就在这里停止了
过去的 只不过是你从不在意的事
是我偏激了 是我想多了
* 她多好 她很好 这些我并不想要知道 *
我的他 我们的恋爱 最真实的剖白 I
I really need some space for me to breath and some caring to warm me up
Finally today have submitted our IA assignment
It makes me missed QS lecture
grrr...how I gonna do my tutorials and do well in my exam?=(
I have promised that I will pay full attention on every lecture
attend every lecture,no more skip =D
Today thought can submit our assignment before 11am
but fate always playing us
In the end we submit our assignment on 2.30pm
If you saw 2 sopoh running to PA block
dont doubt on yourself, one of them was me xD
Luckily Wai Hoong can drive
if not how we gonna solve all the problems?sob
although we are in rush all the time
although there's some error
although fate is interupting us
although we have face many obtacles
although we done it last minute
BUT at least we did it nicely
I love our IA assignment
part of the reason is
all the invoices,credit notes,company's logo,cover were designed by me =D
don't praise me please,I will feel proud..xD
well,the stupid stationery shop have makes our files lost
we have lost the latest copy
what we have to do is re-correct all the errors and prepare our presentation asap!
what the..................=(
hmm thanks Wai Hoong,Siau Fang,Kar Yen and Phui Theng who have contributed in this
efforts from you are much appreciated =)
Just now went TS to have BBQ plaza with my dear and his family
It always be my favourite restaurant =D love it much
tomorrow are going to watch Ice age 3 with my dear dear~
looking forward it for so long
I can't wait to watch it since many ppl told me it is damn funny!!!!
and I want to finish all my tutorials during weekends!
so that I wont rush for it before the day I have tutorial
and have to start preparing for presentations,revisions
if have time have to update my old old posts =D
many thing many thing included this thing tat thing I have to do
arghh how come I so busy?
who can add me few more hours per day?=(
busy..busy..busy..since college started
who can understand my stress?I'm not smart as you think..
make thing so complicated
9th July 2009
11.00 am
In college CITC again
"repairing" our IA assignment
feel frustrated
we thought we almost finish up our assignment
but why now only found that there's many problem?
hard to check,its too ocmplicated
the beginning was simple
but why now things go complicated?
tomorrow will be the deadline for submitting the assignment
do we manage to do it?I don't know..let's see..
11.30 is going to have ME turtorial
today time table is too pack
i dont think we have enough time to finish it
Unexpected,feel vexed
yesterday night dear brought me to search for new phone